
The texture of bark can vary throughout a tree's life.

image bark01.jpg . Young trees often exhibit bark that is lighter in color with a smooth texture.

Examples: Young Maples, American Hornbeam, Chinese Parasol Tree

Mature trees are often darker and rougher.

image bark02.jpg .

Blocky Plates: bark divided into blocks or plates resembling charcoal briquettes.

Examples: American Persimmon, Flowering Dogwood, many Pines

image bark03.jpg .

Scaly or flaky: bark divided into scales or flakes.

Examples: Western Soapberry, Locust, some Pines

image bark04.jpg . Ridge-and-Furrowed: bark is deeply or shallowly grooved.

Examples: Oaks, Eastern Cottonwood, Elms, Maples
image bark05.jpg>

Strips: bark peels off in long strips.

Example: Grape

image bark06.jpg> . Fibrous: bark peels off in small pieces or strips.

Examples: Bald Cypress, Cedars
image bark07.jpg . Peeling: bark peels off in layers.

Examples: Paperbark Maple, River Birch, Young Japanese Tree Lilac
image bark08.jpg . Puzzle-like: bark has a puzzle-like form.

Examples: Sycamore, Lacebark Elm
image bark09.jpg . White w/ prominent lenticels: bark is white with prominent lenticels.

Examples: White Poplar, Bolleana Poplar
image bark10.jpg . Warty: bark has protruding wart-like projections.

Examples: Hackberry
image bark11.jpg . Diamond-shaped pattern: bark has interlacing ridges and furrows forming a diamond-shaped pattern.

Examples: Tulip Tree